About two years ago was the last time I got wasted, luckily it happened in the presence of my Brother and my Cousin. Now after two years, i got the crave of experiencing the black-out of memories with the same set of people. Now, dont get me wrong, I'm the kind of person that doesn't actually like drinking and going to heaven. More like i was the kind of guy that limits himself when getting tipsy was well on its way. The reason is simple, I AM NOT A GOOD DRINKEr -- three shots and im out.
Anyway, going back to the previews topic.. about what happened.
It all started with the idle moments in life. The time in life that you get stuck at home, doing house hold choirs and cleaning like there's no tomorrow. Well, who can blame me? but seriously, for me, that is just way too feminine. So, i decided to do something a bit stupid, a bit manly, and a bit random. I drank. I drank vodka and gin. In no time, i got knocked out and i was sleeping in the bed. As i woked up, first thing i checked was any chunks of meat on my face. :D haha
This is the picture of me that they took with my camera. esh :D
OMG! hahaha!
mckhoii > i know hahaha
Yeah... i really don't have to say it again but... OMG
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