Being idle for the past few days, i was invited by my best friend Mark to this itogon getaway with his blockmates :D Luckily, some of them are people that i have already been familiar with and some are people i know of. So gleefully, i joined the gang in the travel. It took us about 45min to reach the area. As i we arrived at the destination, we learned that a resort there was closed due to some tragic event (warning: dont let your children swim in the adult area). so we went to the second best place -- an area they call family 2. Personally, i liked the simplicity of the place and the lack of restrictions in drink (yes, we drank GSM blue -- 3 bottles for about 7 guys). The pools werent really that well made but then again, they were shallow enough so that 5'4" foot guys like me dont drown but deep enough to be able to dive from the ledge. The size of the pool is decent enough. I get to swim from end to end for about 30 seconds in my full speed. Then there are the hot pools, that felt like they were really trying hard to roast your balls. It was really really hot, i say my condolence for those eggs that were boiled there... (silence)..... :)
.After a few hours, we ate the food that was bought in Good Taste and the prayer was led by the Birthday Girl. And just like any other party, we dug in and took pictures. here are some of those pictures :)