Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Apple Song - Ray William Johnson
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Pacman NAILS Cotto
I started the game at round 3
Round 3 and 4 have been great rounds for the man of steel. On the round 5, Cotto hasn’t been able to connect his punches well. Thought round 6 has almost had a tumble but quickly recovered.
Round 6. Starting out as a very slow round, swift punches of Pacman were able to connect in Cottos’ narrow entrances. Doesn’t look good for Cotto. Nearing 1min, Cotto was able to connect one shot but nothing really huge. But Pacman has his MK45 going at it continuously. Ends abruptly. Next stop, round 7
Round 7. As they clean Cottos face, few cuts has been made by brutal shots. Start of round. Starting out very slow, but still Pacmans' bullets are fully placed. Huge shots by Pacman connect to clock head. This fame is just amazing. It keeps connecting and connecting but Cotto still doesn’t go down with any of the shots. Huge shot by Cotton to Pacman… it seems that Cotto is now gaining speed and some bullets in the process but Pacman is still standing tall. Cotto runs away. Pacman is looking very tired following Cotto’s fleeing abilities.
Round 8 Cottos eyes are now whole made black by punches. Start of round. First hit by Pacman, but Cotto makes his move shortly after. They keep dancing this round and Pacman disrupts the dance and continues with the fight..Cottos’ head get hits on head and looks like that hurts sooo bad. Now Cotto is dizzy but still dances. Cotto’s punches keeps going in but Pacman is still standing. Cotto keeps on holding Pacman now, pitiful.
Round 9 starts out quickly feeling each other again, punches of Pacman keeps going but not connecting. They are again feeling each other again. Both players seem very tired. Cottos punches and connects hugely in Pacman’s gloves. Pacman is now moving furiously with his guns and connects multiple bullets…. HUGE punch on Cotto and his face is now getting destroyed…. Pacman keeps connecting and Cotto is getting more and more tired and closer to death… end of round
Round 10: Cottos face is now on the rocks as they fix it. Nose bleeding heavily and is now on the move. Start of round. Starting out very slow, both seem very tired. Round 12 is just around the corner so both are placing their caution. Pacman is now on the higher end of the point system. No bullets from either side hitting their mark. Cotto keeps moving away scared of Pacman. Pacman is now connecting his punches and is now letting the punches fly. Cotto keeps moving away like a scared cat now. Two huge punches connect on Cottos face.
Round 11. Cotto’s lips just exploded, his eyes are cut and nose bleeding . Pacmans face is getting pampered. Looks like nothing happened. I think Pacman’s getting a shave! haha. Start of round. Cotto keeps moving away and noticeable boos are coming from the audience. Embarrassing for Cotto. Cottos only option now is evading all punches in order to be distinguished without anther knockout. Cotto’s is now running around like a small rat. Haha.. awe.. I feel sad for Cotto. Cotto seems to know that changes of him getting a KO is pretty high. Maybe that’s why Cotto is just moving away now.
Time now for round 12. I don’t feel any enthralling emotion now for the game. Getting pretty boring from Cotto’s movements away from Pacman. Cotto’s face looks pounded while being cleaned. Start of round. Pacman is now getting forward and hunting Cotto. Cotto is still trying to move away. Gets cornered and was unable to fight back. Holds Pacman. Referee stops fight and… PACMAN is a WIN!
Pacman is now getting his ceremonial pray at his corner. J
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Android coming to ASIA!
Two Romantic Comedy Movies i Give Two THUMBS UP!

Movie #1
The Taking Of Pelham 123: Review

The movie is centered on a hijacking of subway Pelham 123 by Bernard Ryder (John Travolta) and the MTA dispatcher Walter Garber (Denzel Washington) in charge of that particular area in the subway. If you like action, overflowing testosterone (contributed by Denzel and Travolta) then you would definitly like this movie. Its not what you might expect in a ransom case movie with action but the meaning in the overall movie is something that is worth learning.
If movies with good story, enough action, and amazing editing is your style, then i highly recommend this movie. However, if your the kind of guy that doesnt like putting much thought in the movies you watch or you just cant understand english, then why are you reading this in the first place?
I give this move an 8/10
torrent of the movie
Paranormal Activity: Review

Now i wouldn't like to compare this to the amazing cult classic, the Blair Witch Project but it has a few key notes that it has taken from that movie. But to where the first movie excelled almost immediately, this one on the other hand took awhile to get popularized. It was shown on 2007 in selected cities and due to popular demand, it has gone US-wide on 2009 and world wide via torrent sites. hehe.
I just have to say this, this movie gives some new feelings on how a horror film is shown. You get the feeling of real shock on what is happening and some pretty good scare. the ending is also well done. I highly recommend this movie to fans of get your socks off kind of scare. But if your the type that gets scared with small spiders or cute dolls, then i say watch this in the day, you might have the next few says sleepless and twitchy :)
give the film an 8.5/10
PS. personally, i wasn't that impressed with the ending but it was still good enough to give an after taste.
here's the trailer
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Typhoon Ketsana and Parma Hits Luzon
Typhoon Ketsana and Parma hits with catastrophic results. Hundreds homes destroyed and thousands left homeless in one of Luzons most destructive waves of typhoons. a death toll that leaves families helpless and unable to recover. Let us all join in on our efforts to help each other especially in these times of great need by the many.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
TODAY by Jack McPhee
Today was a day
The world got smaller, darker
I grew more afraid
Not of what I am, but of what I could be
I loosen my collar to take a breath
My eyes fade
And I see... Him
The image of perfection
His frame strong, his lips smooth
And I keep thinking, What am I so afraid of?
I wish I could escape the pain, but these thoughts invade my head
Bound to my memory, they're like shackles of guilt
Oh, God, please set me free
Free from the pain and this guilt
So that I may face
my first MOCA email
"I am happy for you." -- think of this statement as i continue this email. You might start to misconstrued the following but do remember that "I am happy for you." :)
First of is the reality.
I wasn't really an avid fan of the talk show "tyra"
there is a lesson that i picked up from an episode.
The lesson goes like this,
"Don't let the time spent together help you decide that to do next."
We often hear people say
"...but we spent so much time together, i cant just let go of that!"
"he has grown in me, i know him 'coz we've been together for so long now."
and plenty more statements.
here's the first thing to think about,
what has been the time spent with him like? an upbringing or an entire mistake?
second on the list is,
has it really been what both of you wanted.
if its gonna be a one way road where the other doesn't want to compromise after conversation or even fights,
then in the end,
the submissive side would start to resent in the future.
And yes, Resent in the deepest meaning of the word.
lastly is the pride.
yes, i do know you two are proud enough to tell your parents about your "US" thing.
Over the course of 7 (am i correct? 7 years or was that 10?) or so years, has anything changed on your pride for each other?
evaluate and re-evaluate
dont be biased when doing this
is the other proud that he is with the other and not anyone else?
OH! i almost forgot
after this
try to be dumb :D
being to logical can actually mess the entire thing :D hehe
ironic aint it?
love is one of the most serious steps that a person would take,
yet ironically, being to serious would actually mess the entire thing up.
Twitter Box
Disby boxy
Basically, its a way for you, my dear readers to chat with me or to talk to me :D
have fun and looking forward on our conversations soon. Take care
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Courier: Microsofts Answer to Apple?
This looks really nice. The concept and look really stands out. While i was looking at the demo video, it seemed to be like the UI is pretty intuitive. Unlike Apple, Microsoft has been making some flashy interface with their software and programs lately. Take for example the opening look for MS office 2010 (I'm using it right now) and before the whole thing loads, it gives you this very polished loading screen. The application itself is far more responsive and things are in the right place as you want it to. Another this is Zunes new software, its been very flashy from the opening video to the UI itself. Very very interesting. I do hope this Courier thing is doing the same thing plus a intuitive interface and back up from all the other developers for further advance its development. If this goes well, I'll buy this for my birthday :D I'll be keeping post of this device.. very promising :D
Monday, September 21, 2009
Digsby 65 Beta
ive been using this application back then. But the pain of this eating my RAM was a little too much to take. It lagged my computer and make all my work slow. But new version is a huge improvement from the past one. mainly, its compatible with windows 7 (which is my current OS right now). It has this streamline new look and the facebook account is something that really lets me excited talking about. You can commend directly in Digsby in a fast and easy process. Check the video out to see what im saying plus alot more features...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
If i had a power...

I was once able to see clearly. Now my vision is blurred, its time to use the clear water and wash away the tears that covered both our eyes... time to just kiss and make up :D
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Daemon... uplifting -
The blog im referring to is now placed in the blogs i follow at the right area of this blog >>>>
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Its best to have friends...
sometimes, when the world has delt its cards, its better to make your own deck with your own rules for the game. Thats where friends and love ones come along. I've been having a hard time recently, from my sister leaving, to the amount of work in school, and the frequency of additional stuff to take care of. Love life wasnt much of a help either so i resorted to something more open, my friends. Mark has always been a good friend to me, helped me by being a shoulder to cry on and a friend to talk to. He is my best male friend. Another friend that i would like to commend is Kristin, she doesnt know the entire situation, but even though, shes helped me so much also. I have tried to be there for both Mark and Kristin and i hope its serves its purpose :D to my best of friends, i miss you and thank you for being there :D
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
All I do need is…
Today might just be another day in the countless days that has made the world a different place. For the ocean of people, this might just be another day. But for me, this day has changed. A man has changed me, forcing me to mature. I welcome the change. Though I slip once-in-awhile, I am welcoming the change. I stand in my fault driven pavement created by the rocky roads of the past and the childish skills. Now I understand that the actions has already taken its toll. I have made him fall out in some ways. The nonsense calls that I make, desperate to hear his voice again. To my exceedingly nagging sentences, thinking that the worst is always coming. Today, I realize that thinking nothing but positive for him does help. There was once a time that I was convulsing mentally, worrying that he might have lost his phone coz he wasn’t texting, only to learn that he left his phone accidentally due to a rush of things. The cost was great. I called a friend, and asked about him and another friend that was there in that area of work. The truth might have slipped. I had to know that he’s ok. My intentions were just as clean as crystal, but just as the crystal, the light was bended to the other direction where I did not intend it to be. My intentions wouldn’t justify my action. Now, I am stuck again between a rock and a hard place. But compared to him, I only taste a drop in water in his ocean of problems. I have divulged him things that I could just share the closest of friends, but there are more secrets that I have that I will be confiding. (I wonder if he will ever confide to me again). I think im trust worthy, I think im a good man but now that all this things are happening. I feel the need to rethink that I have still many things to learn - from him, my self, my experience, and all the other countless sources that I will encounter. I have waited for so so long for a man like him. And no matter how rich a man can be, he can never afford a man like him to fade. The truth is, I NEED to let him stay – for my sanities sake. I need to experience a love that would last with a good man. Is he the good man that I have waited for, or is he the greatest man that I can never keep. And I don’t know if I am worthy. So I stand now in my fault driven pavement, welcoming change. A change for the better. If he reads this, know that I am in the verge of change so please just give me time… all I need is time.
From the dear author…
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Mr. Wishful thinking
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
i reminded me of something.... ahhhh! yes.. the classic.. evolution of dance video :D
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Fight Club: The Novel

Book: i rate this 9/10
Monday, July 6, 2009
Push (2009)

Drected by: Paul McGuigan
Written by: David Bourla
this movie is amazing... from the effects to the story... the best part of this movie is that it doesn't concentrate too much on dazzling your eyes, it makes you look deeper and concentrate on the story much more :D
this is also the first time that i would be able to see Dakota Fanning look matured and would you believe, she actually gets drunk and even swears :D hahahah
i give this movie a 7.5/10 :D
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Drag Me To Hell: Review

Darn, I've watched this movie about a month ago already and today is the time i have to make a blog of it -That's just sad. Anyway, going back to the movie. If your a huge fan of 'Army of Darkness' and horror comedy movies, i suggest you watch this. If not, you might want to look somewhere else. Sam Raimi is the maker of the spiderman movies and his style and story telling does seep into this movie. From the intro to the comedy and action, it all comes together as a movie made with his trademark.
It was an OK movie for me. nothing that special but still watchable. I give it a solid 6.5/10
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Old Antics has to Leave
Friday, June 12, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Jay Brannan
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Itogon Getaway

Being idle for the past few days, i was invited by my best friend Mark to this itogon getaway with his blockmates :D Luckily, some of them are people that i have already been familiar with and some are people i know of. So gleefully, i joined the gang in the travel. It took us about 45min to reach the area. As i we arrived at the destination, we learned that a resort there was closed due to some tragic event (warning: dont let your children swim in the adult area). so we went to the second best place -- an area they call family 2. Personally, i liked the simplicity of the place and the lack of restrictions in drink (yes, we drank GSM blue -- 3 bottles for about 7 guys). The pools werent really that well made but then again, they were shallow enough so that 5'4" foot guys like me dont drown but deep enough to be able to dive from the ledge. The size of the pool is decent enough. I get to swim from end to end for about 30 seconds in my full speed. Then there are the hot pools, that felt like they were really trying hard to roast your balls. It was really really hot, i say my condolence for those eggs that were boiled there... (silence)..... :)
.After a few hours, we ate the food that was bought in Good Taste and the prayer was led by the Birthday Girl. And just like any other party, we dug in and took pictures. here are some of those pictures :)
Google Chrome: Review
Talk about speed in all its glory... I really like the minimalist look of this browser. Its a refreshing side step from multi-purpose firefox i used so much. Right now, its my default browser and i havent been happier with its performance. Recently, i have updated with its 2.0 version and things are pretty much going for it so much. This time, you can delete individual previews in the default home. Theres also this feature that makes you do an action similar to that of windows 7, where you drag the browser to the side of the screen then a pop up will show and you can make a window occupy about half of the screen. This is especially useful when comparing some stuff. Aside from that, theres the incognito mode where you can search the net privately and no trace would be left in your computer after you close it.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
X-men Origins: Wolverine Review

This movie represents how the X-men movie should have been made. It should've stuck with the comics. I mean common, if your gonna make an X-men movie or any other movie with a very deep, interesting and well founded past, then you have to stick with it. The past X-men movies

The special effects were great! The story was even better (as supported by the fact that the DVD incomplete version was successful even without that much effects)
Coolest Single Ladies: the Drag-ons!
Last night, on my drive back to Baguio, i noticed a Filipino version of Single ladies on the radio. i was laughing my ass of so i thought of blogging it. i searched everywhere but couldn't find the specific song. then i ran into this. OMG! god save me :D super funny and so talented :D hahahahha
Sunday, May 17, 2009

About two years ago was the last time I got wasted, luckily it happened in the presence of my Brother and my Cousin. Now after two years, i got the crave of experiencing the black-out of memories with the same set of people. Now, dont get me wrong, I'm the kind of person that doesn't actually like drinking and going to heaven. More like i was the kind of guy that limits himself when getting tipsy was well on its way. The reason is simple, I AM NOT A GOOD DRINKEr -- three shots and im out.
Anyway, going back to the previews topic.. about what happened.
It all started with the idle moments in life. The time in life that you get stuck at home, doing house hold choirs and cleaning like there's no tomorrow. Well, who can blame me? but seriously, for me, that is just way too feminine. So, i decided to do something a bit stupid, a bit manly, and a bit random. I drank. I drank vodka and gin. In no time, i got knocked out and i was sleeping in the bed. As i woked up, first thing i checked was any chunks of meat on my face. :D haha
This is the picture of me that they took with my camera. esh :D
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Gears of War 2

First expression we had was, DAMN, nice graphics :D haha.. Feels like unreal tournament 3 with a story! The game was gory, gorgeous, and graphical. It had a fairly good story :D Starting of from the start to finish, i loved the cover system and the amount of detail that went in the making of this game. There were moments that our jaws just fell with the sheer size of the environment and enemies... They make you take hold of a vast array of vehicles,weapons, and animals. I've played the first part and was quite disappointed, however, this part was far from that. No longer is the game linear, boring and repetitive. This part was exceptionally made. You completely feel immersed in the environment it makes. The action was brilliant which, at times, made me to completely cast off my attention at the gorgeous environment. If you have an Xbox360, I highly recommend this game to be bought. But heed my warning, it is a cliff-hanger ending which really makes you want a lot more to it :D have fun...
i give it 8.8/10 :D

As i arrived, we immideiately played with the camera and all through the visit we were using it.. here are some of the pictures taken that day. after that, sure enough, we started doing some bet game. Damn, i lost like 50 bucks hahaha :D well its a good thing that i played with my cousins and lost, the money would just rotate around us sometime soon.. hope i win next time :D
mean while, enjoy the pictures weve taken :D

New Mornings
past new days' been lonely and empty
stuck in a place called my bedroom
i wake up with Me,Myself and I
i wanted to wake up for another
grasp the glass and made coffee
the bitter taste of groggy
i crept to the bench outside the house
played the dog and wondered aloof
i stare at another day as the sun rose
and crept again to view the bird
i took my shot and there we have it L&G
coffee works, waking up with another
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Adobong Manoke!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Paquiao: The cost of a dirty fight
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Today, May 3, Pacman Paquiao and Hitman Hatton fight off in the ring as two strong titled boxers in MGM Grand in Las Vegas.
Round 1:
Both fighters felt each other's (no pun intended) pace, but Manny was clearly feeling more than the other could. Although with Hattons' holding and grasping, Pacman was able to let loose from the clutches of a dirty man. i give to Hattons way that he can destroy an opponents momentum, but Manny proved too strong for him to handle. Alas, round one ends with two falls from Hatton.
Round 2:
This is the time of the big one. Pacman has achieved what he can learn from the previews round and it shows in this round. His punches that fly, swiftly contacts Hattons' amidst all the blocks and such. One particular shot hits Hatton square in the jaw and falls flat. seconds later, Manny "Pacman" Paquiao is declared winner once again. :D
Pacman is good at what he does that one even said "greatest fighter that ever lived"...
As a breaker- a word from Ant The Comedian
"Boxing is made by gay men, where have you ever seen two topless guys fight each other for a belt and a purse?"
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
UBUNTU installed and loving
Break Before Rain
by: Von Adrain Lora Flores
Chapter One
i am SINGLE, i am FREE
Been Single for almost a month now and i am loving the single life. Not in the reasons like going out for sex because god knows i dont do that. More like i love the freedom, the attention that you give yourself in order to improve. I've taken film making in UP Baguio and would be going to enroll for piano lessons in Musar. Would be traveling to a couple of beaches soon and would learn surfing, hopefully. One other good practice while im single is finding new friends. I do friend dating, which means that i go out and spend time with people and be real humans with them (with no shenanigans after). But then again, i am only human... im lucky still though, im not feeling the crave to be human. :D
Monday, April 27, 2009
here is the film i have just made.. hope you guys like it.. one day filming and post-processing...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I was attending a film making crash course in UP Baguio yesterday when our instructor showed us a short film.. this one completely impressed me. i was hoping to share it with you guys. I score it 8.5/10
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Random Thought
It means you've decided to see life beyond the imperfections.
So, don't say you're happy because everything is alright.
Be happy because everything sucks but you're just fine...
Military Gay Anyone?

ok... so maybe im a bit late with the update about the PMA. But for those who havent heard of it yet, heres a run down of what shocked me this morning while surfing the net...
In an episode of the morning show, Umagang Kay Ganda. Lt. Col. Romeo Brawner Jr., Army spokesman, said that they do not discriminate anyone in the army (that includes LGBT). as long as they are physically, mentally, and emotionally fit - they are a welcome addition to the military. They also expect that the number of applicants are to increase this summer due to better facilities and equipments.
hope everything gets pushed through... hmmmm... next one is...