So come one, come all. What have you left for you partner for this chirstmas, post them up?
how to make this day great for you and your partner even with the family?
1) duh.. what else.. let the family meet him :) haha
2) dinner, then watch fireworks with him
3) drink wine with the family and hve sex in your room. Dont worry, everyone would
be brunk enough to hear the both of you. Hahaha!
4) make the gifts together then give those gifts with both your names in it.
5) let both families meet.
if you have more suggestions on how to make that certain day special, do post them :)
Visiting your blog Von!
Nice suggestions for a great Christmas for PLUs with lovers...have a great day!
haha! i know right? i just love those ideas.. any ideas of your own?
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