Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Apple Song - Ray William Johnson
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Pacman NAILS Cotto
I started the game at round 3
Round 3 and 4 have been great rounds for the man of steel. On the round 5, Cotto hasn’t been able to connect his punches well. Thought round 6 has almost had a tumble but quickly recovered.
Round 6. Starting out as a very slow round, swift punches of Pacman were able to connect in Cottos’ narrow entrances. Doesn’t look good for Cotto. Nearing 1min, Cotto was able to connect one shot but nothing really huge. But Pacman has his MK45 going at it continuously. Ends abruptly. Next stop, round 7
Round 7. As they clean Cottos face, few cuts has been made by brutal shots. Start of round. Starting out very slow, but still Pacmans' bullets are fully placed. Huge shots by Pacman connect to clock head. This fame is just amazing. It keeps connecting and connecting but Cotto still doesn’t go down with any of the shots. Huge shot by Cotton to Pacman… it seems that Cotto is now gaining speed and some bullets in the process but Pacman is still standing tall. Cotto runs away. Pacman is looking very tired following Cotto’s fleeing abilities.
Round 8 Cottos eyes are now whole made black by punches. Start of round. First hit by Pacman, but Cotto makes his move shortly after. They keep dancing this round and Pacman disrupts the dance and continues with the fight..Cottos’ head get hits on head and looks like that hurts sooo bad. Now Cotto is dizzy but still dances. Cotto’s punches keeps going in but Pacman is still standing. Cotto keeps on holding Pacman now, pitiful.
Round 9 starts out quickly feeling each other again, punches of Pacman keeps going but not connecting. They are again feeling each other again. Both players seem very tired. Cottos punches and connects hugely in Pacman’s gloves. Pacman is now moving furiously with his guns and connects multiple bullets…. HUGE punch on Cotto and his face is now getting destroyed…. Pacman keeps connecting and Cotto is getting more and more tired and closer to death… end of round
Round 10: Cottos face is now on the rocks as they fix it. Nose bleeding heavily and is now on the move. Start of round. Starting out very slow, both seem very tired. Round 12 is just around the corner so both are placing their caution. Pacman is now on the higher end of the point system. No bullets from either side hitting their mark. Cotto keeps moving away scared of Pacman. Pacman is now connecting his punches and is now letting the punches fly. Cotto keeps moving away like a scared cat now. Two huge punches connect on Cottos face.
Round 11. Cotto’s lips just exploded, his eyes are cut and nose bleeding . Pacmans face is getting pampered. Looks like nothing happened. I think Pacman’s getting a shave! haha. Start of round. Cotto keeps moving away and noticeable boos are coming from the audience. Embarrassing for Cotto. Cottos only option now is evading all punches in order to be distinguished without anther knockout. Cotto’s is now running around like a small rat. Haha.. awe.. I feel sad for Cotto. Cotto seems to know that changes of him getting a KO is pretty high. Maybe that’s why Cotto is just moving away now.
Time now for round 12. I don’t feel any enthralling emotion now for the game. Getting pretty boring from Cotto’s movements away from Pacman. Cotto’s face looks pounded while being cleaned. Start of round. Pacman is now getting forward and hunting Cotto. Cotto is still trying to move away. Gets cornered and was unable to fight back. Holds Pacman. Referee stops fight and… PACMAN is a WIN!
Pacman is now getting his ceremonial pray at his corner. J
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Android coming to ASIA!
Two Romantic Comedy Movies i Give Two THUMBS UP!

Movie #1
The Taking Of Pelham 123: Review

The movie is centered on a hijacking of subway Pelham 123 by Bernard Ryder (John Travolta) and the MTA dispatcher Walter Garber (Denzel Washington) in charge of that particular area in the subway. If you like action, overflowing testosterone (contributed by Denzel and Travolta) then you would definitly like this movie. Its not what you might expect in a ransom case movie with action but the meaning in the overall movie is something that is worth learning.
If movies with good story, enough action, and amazing editing is your style, then i highly recommend this movie. However, if your the kind of guy that doesnt like putting much thought in the movies you watch or you just cant understand english, then why are you reading this in the first place?
I give this move an 8/10
torrent of the movie
Paranormal Activity: Review

Now i wouldn't like to compare this to the amazing cult classic, the Blair Witch Project but it has a few key notes that it has taken from that movie. But to where the first movie excelled almost immediately, this one on the other hand took awhile to get popularized. It was shown on 2007 in selected cities and due to popular demand, it has gone US-wide on 2009 and world wide via torrent sites. hehe.
I just have to say this, this movie gives some new feelings on how a horror film is shown. You get the feeling of real shock on what is happening and some pretty good scare. the ending is also well done. I highly recommend this movie to fans of get your socks off kind of scare. But if your the type that gets scared with small spiders or cute dolls, then i say watch this in the day, you might have the next few says sleepless and twitchy :)
give the film an 8.5/10
PS. personally, i wasn't that impressed with the ending but it was still good enough to give an after taste.
here's the trailer