Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Courier: Microsofts Answer to Apple?
This looks really nice. The concept and look really stands out. While i was looking at the demo video, it seemed to be like the UI is pretty intuitive. Unlike Apple, Microsoft has been making some flashy interface with their software and programs lately. Take for example the opening look for MS office 2010 (I'm using it right now) and before the whole thing loads, it gives you this very polished loading screen. The application itself is far more responsive and things are in the right place as you want it to. Another this is Zunes new software, its been very flashy from the opening video to the UI itself. Very very interesting. I do hope this Courier thing is doing the same thing plus a intuitive interface and back up from all the other developers for further advance its development. If this goes well, I'll buy this for my birthday :D I'll be keeping post of this device.. very promising :D
Monday, September 21, 2009
Digsby 65 Beta
ive been using this application back then. But the pain of this eating my RAM was a little too much to take. It lagged my computer and make all my work slow. But new version is a huge improvement from the past one. mainly, its compatible with windows 7 (which is my current OS right now). It has this streamline new look and the facebook account is something that really lets me excited talking about. You can commend directly in Digsby in a fast and easy process. Check the video out to see what im saying plus alot more features...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
If i had a power...

I was once able to see clearly. Now my vision is blurred, its time to use the clear water and wash away the tears that covered both our eyes... time to just kiss and make up :D
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Daemon... uplifting -
The blog im referring to is now placed in the blogs i follow at the right area of this blog >>>>
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Its best to have friends...
sometimes, when the world has delt its cards, its better to make your own deck with your own rules for the game. Thats where friends and love ones come along. I've been having a hard time recently, from my sister leaving, to the amount of work in school, and the frequency of additional stuff to take care of. Love life wasnt much of a help either so i resorted to something more open, my friends. Mark has always been a good friend to me, helped me by being a shoulder to cry on and a friend to talk to. He is my best male friend. Another friend that i would like to commend is Kristin, she doesnt know the entire situation, but even though, shes helped me so much also. I have tried to be there for both Mark and Kristin and i hope its serves its purpose :D to my best of friends, i miss you and thank you for being there :D
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
All I do need is…
Today might just be another day in the countless days that has made the world a different place. For the ocean of people, this might just be another day. But for me, this day has changed. A man has changed me, forcing me to mature. I welcome the change. Though I slip once-in-awhile, I am welcoming the change. I stand in my fault driven pavement created by the rocky roads of the past and the childish skills. Now I understand that the actions has already taken its toll. I have made him fall out in some ways. The nonsense calls that I make, desperate to hear his voice again. To my exceedingly nagging sentences, thinking that the worst is always coming. Today, I realize that thinking nothing but positive for him does help. There was once a time that I was convulsing mentally, worrying that he might have lost his phone coz he wasn’t texting, only to learn that he left his phone accidentally due to a rush of things. The cost was great. I called a friend, and asked about him and another friend that was there in that area of work. The truth might have slipped. I had to know that he’s ok. My intentions were just as clean as crystal, but just as the crystal, the light was bended to the other direction where I did not intend it to be. My intentions wouldn’t justify my action. Now, I am stuck again between a rock and a hard place. But compared to him, I only taste a drop in water in his ocean of problems. I have divulged him things that I could just share the closest of friends, but there are more secrets that I have that I will be confiding. (I wonder if he will ever confide to me again). I think im trust worthy, I think im a good man but now that all this things are happening. I feel the need to rethink that I have still many things to learn - from him, my self, my experience, and all the other countless sources that I will encounter. I have waited for so so long for a man like him. And no matter how rich a man can be, he can never afford a man like him to fade. The truth is, I NEED to let him stay – for my sanities sake. I need to experience a love that would last with a good man. Is he the good man that I have waited for, or is he the greatest man that I can never keep. And I don’t know if I am worthy. So I stand now in my fault driven pavement, welcoming change. A change for the better. If he reads this, know that I am in the verge of change so please just give me time… all I need is time.
From the dear author…