Lying to the "Authorities" isn't that hard once you get used to it... the only thing was, I
WASN'T USED TO IT. So as i made up stories of an extravagant
photo shoot near
Asin road, the "Authorities" were starting to get curious and incredulous with the idea. But, as their new found openness to give their voluntary blindness, it has darkened their eyes once more and allowed me to have my own saunter plans.
So, by the hour of 9:30, I was on my way to the city, La Union. However the heat might scorch my skin and the sun might glare my eyes, i need not to care about the abundance of reasons as to why i would travel the miles to see my loved ones. I arrived, dropped of infront of a smart telecom company, and was picked up Drin and Maki .Soon after, we were headed to the house of Drin to meet his mom and see Maki's girlfriend. It was pretty interesting how everything turned house.. Somethings were unexpected while some were unbelievable. As i arrived at their house, i had to comment that i have something things that i want to modify. the placement of the
furniture seem to have been left there in that position for quite sometime. And to tell you the truth, i can feel that they actually want to rearrange the
furniture's... That's one of the reasons why as of right now
I'm planning the rearrangement of the house :D
After about 3 hours of intense card games, food, and talk, we finally decided to have some beach fun. A private beach on the way to Navy Base in San Fernando. I can tell you right now that it was very nice, quiet place for friends or even lovers. its still under construction but the water and bar is well worth the 15 min trip to the area. The water was cool and clean, waves - not so huge very calm
in fact. Deciding that it was a good idea to take good pictures in that place, just to have proof that such extravagant beach
photo shoot. Then
TADA! we have these pictures :D hope you viewers
would enjoy :D
In order for the title to be realistic, we had to go by 6pm but as any other
Filipino would be, we ended up leaving at 7pm. We said our goodbyes and the usual stuff before heading off. Arriving at Baguio around 9pm, I arrived at home without leaving traces of the quick escape. But i was checking the mirror now and then for the sunburn on my skin :D
hahaha good thing im not getting darker now...
ps... i got no shots of myself....
didn't like them at all..