Thursday, January 17, 2019

Hello Von

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Hey Von

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sid Lucero a.k.a Timothy Mark Pimentel Eigenmann

Sid Lucero a.k.a Timothy Mark Pimentel Eigenmann (wow that was a mouthful)

to those who know me, Jericho Rosales is my top favorite actor. Both for being down-to-earth and the overall reality he brings along with him. But after watching Muli, Sid Lucero has done such an awesome job that i actually feel as if i would make Sid a tier with Jericho. Mostly due to the same reasons i admire Jericho, Sid also brings this down-to-earth vibe and the reality. But one that definitely takes the cake is his fearlessness to take controversial roles. Not due to the take that would ensue after, but due to the fact that he can portray the character better than anyone else. And that those characters revolve around a story thats just harder not to watch.

heres a few more pictures of this beautiful person.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I chose not to, but always wish i would...

     For the past few days, I've gotten to know amazing people. Smart, charming, down-to-earth beings that put a new definition on the word Handsome. So i wonder ever minute since the last time i saw them, why i stopped by self short on actually asking them out. Well you see dear readers, i have already made a pack with my self that i shall not engage in a relationship without being securely fastened on my independence. Now, being financially and, more importantly, psychologically sustainable is what I'm striving for. And right now, I'm still on my way there. The question i have now lingering ever so persistently is that, have i missed my mark. Have i missed the point that enjoying life might be an existential derivative of doing what can be done in the moment, or am i doing the right thing knowing that being secure now would mean a more then decent future awaits me with a better love story being penned for the moment? Dear readers, suggestions and opinions would be appreciated.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

This place is the best Japanese resto that I've ever been to! 100% recommended amazing taste... Spicy tuna teriyaki Orion beer taste good :)Chicken sukiyaki 

Board Exam Passing

Just passes the board exam :D so right now I'm celebrating here in Las Vegas :D wohoooo!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Carlos Agassi: Ryan Raynolds counterpart in Philippine Cinema

I’m not a big fan of Celebrity crushes coz Ryan Reynold has always held the top spot in my list so there's no contesting. But when someone asks me about celebrity crush in the Philippines, it would be (sorry "Echo”) but it has to be Carlos Agassi. Sure the bod is to die for, the eyes are mesmerizing – but what really gets me off is that he just keeps it REAL. YO! You heard dat riyt man! He Keepz it REALS! :)

He was recently asked about any gay encounters and he naturally said (stating it like it was just no big deal – which it isn’t really) that he did have a gay relationship that lasted for around a year. He also added that the relationship him into a better person. When asked about why now? Why would he reveal about it now? He merely stated, “Huwala namang nagtatanong eh.” 

Here are a few more pictures of Carlos Agassi
